Amnesia Rebirth is the third installment in the franchise and the sequel to Amnesia: The Dark Descent. It’s a survival horror game developed and published by Frictional Games. It’s a dark game that will make you scare but it’s interesting more than enough to get you goosebumps through the storyline. It’s pretty normal to have errors and bugs in the game, and Amnesia Rebirth is no exception.
A copious amount of players are getting bothered because they are unable to save the progress they made in Amnesia Rebirth. It’s annoying that you can’t even save the progress of the game. Here’s how you can fix that. We’ve managed to provide you a simple explanatory guide that will help you to Fix Save Not Working in Amnesia Rebirth. Without further ado, let’s get started.
How to Fix Save Not Working in Amnesia Rebirth
Let’s it’s known that the issue is occurring due to you’ve not provided permission granted to the game in Windows Defender software or Antivirus. Stick the guide till the end to eliminate the issue.
- Go to the Installation directory
- Right-click on the game executable
- Visit Properties > Compatibilities
- Check the “Run this program as administrator” box
It also might possible that you’re Anti-Virus is interfering with the game files, so it’s recommended to add an exclusion. To do that:
- Press Windows Key > Click on Settings
- Go to Update & Security > Visit Windows Security
- Choose Protection settings against viruses and threats
- Select Manage settings > click on Exclusions
- Go to Add or remove exclusions > Add an exclusion
- Browse the installed Amnesia: Rebirth game file/folder
- Confirm adding an exclusion to the antivirus
- Now, try to play the game. The issue should not bother you anymore.
Additionally, you should also do the same for Windows Firewall protection. Go to the Firewall > Add an exception for the Amnesia: Rebirth game. After doing all, restarting your computer should work like a charm.
That’s it for now. You can comment below for your further queries or your experiences. Till then stay tuned for more info. You can also follow us on Google News or Telegram group below for real-time notifications whenever Gadget Headline publishes any post.
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