If you’ve Xbox One, then you have the advantage to access the massive game library if you have an Xbox Game Pass. Also, you can share a game with your friends and vice versa, which will help you to save your hard-earned money. Gameshare will let you access your friend’s Xbox One game library on your own console.
But many gamers still struggling with how to use Xbox one game sharing, just follow the guide till the end and we’ll show you how it’s done. Also, we’ve provided you some useful details that will come in quite handy. Without further ado, let’s get started.
Follow the steps to access the Gameshare option on Xbox One:
- Get your friend’s Xbox login credentials, you can also invite them which will allow them to sign in to your console.
- Open the guide by pressing the Xbox button located on your console > Use RB to scroll on the Profile & System tab using player icon > Click on Add or Switch > then Add new.
- Login yourself through your friend’s login credentials, in case of two-factor authentication, ask your friend to provide the information.
- Scroll back to the Profile tab > click Add or switch > select your friend’s account to sign in.
- Once done, press the Xbox button to access the guide > use RB to move towards the Profile tab and use Settings.
- Visit General > Personalization > My home Xbox > select Make this my home Xbox.
- Now, you can visit My games & apps from the home screen from your own account which will let you access all the games your friend owns.
- You can download the game by selecting the Full library tab> click on All owned games > change the All games dropdown to Ready to install.
Now you and your friend can play each other’s game and enjoy the whole thing!
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- You can only change My home Xbox settings a few times per year, so take care that it won’t use too often.
- You can’t share specific items like in-game currency, single-use pre-order bonuses, or even items purchased in the game.
- Both of you can play the same game at the same time.
- You can even game share with the Xbox Game Pass too, this will drastically increase your game library.
Take a Note: It’s good to share the games with your friends using game sharing on Xbox One, but this comes with a huge drawback, the account you shared with your friend can also access Skype, One Drive, Windows 10 accounts. Now only this, you’re allowing them to access the payment card attached to your account. So, it’s recommended to do game sharing with a friend who you can trust.
That’s it for now. You can comment below for your further queries or your experiences. Till then stay tuned for more info. You can also follow us on Google News or Telegram group below for real-time notifications whenever Gadget Headline publishes any post.
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