So, you’ve made the discussion shift from WhatsApp to Telegram App. Well, that’s good because privacy is more important to you. I mean who will like to share our data with other Facebook companies right? According to WhatsApp and its policy, the following are the details that the company will share with Facebook and other companies owned by Facebook:
- Your IP address
- Mobile device info
- Info about how you contact or interact with others through Facebook services
- Transaction data
- Phone number
Somewhere, it’s not good and it’s against people’s choices. In this article, we’ll be discussing how to shift from WhatsApp to Telegram App? And what are the benefits? No need to go through those lengthy articles that will let you end up getting confused and consume your time too. Just read the explanatory deep guide that we’ve managed to represent our point of view regarding using Telegram experience. Without wasting much of your time, let’s get started.
How to Shift from WhatsApp to Telegram App?
Telegram app is available on Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux, and the web. Generally speaking, this will start from creating a fresh Telegram account, and it’s quite easy to create the Telegram account from the scratch.
How to Create a Telegram account?
To create a Telegram account, the user needs to do the following:
- Register with your phone number and verify the same.
- Then you will get to keep your username, and profile picture.
- Your Telegram account is ready to use.
Read More: Steps to Hide your Mobile Number on Telegram
How to move the personal chats to Telegram?
You can move your personal chats on Telegram without any issue, this option is quite unique. This is possible by using the option “Export chats” on Telegram. Here’s how you can do that:
- Open Telegram app.
- Open a chat.
- Tap on More.
- Choose the option “Export chart”.
- You will get to choose the option to export the chats without media or with media.
- Now, choose Telegram > Tap on Saved Messages. (You can even share the chats with another person if you like)
What are the benefits?
Telegram is a completely advanced app than any other messaging application available in the app market. These are the benefits and features that Telegram provides:
- Includes basic features of chats, group chats, channels, voice, and video calls.
- Can add 200,000 members to the group.
- Multiple group-specific features like bots, polls, quizzes, and hashtags.
- Support of self-destruction message feature.
- Can send the file up to 2GB.
- Chats are encrypted by Telegram server-client MTProto encrypted protocol.
- Access to the secret chats, you can set the self-destruction timer range from 1 second to a week.
- Different types of chat themes and colors.
If you already use the Telegram app, then you’re always welcome to express your experience in the comment section below. Use and enjoy Telegram
That’s it for now. You can comment below for your further queries or your experiences. Till then stay tuned for more info. You can also follow us on Google News or Telegram group below for real-time notifications whenever Gadget Headline publishes any post.
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