Marvel’s Avengers is a game based on the Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengers developed by Crystal Dynamics. The game is mainly inspired by Marvel Cinematic Universe’s iteration group, as well as the long-running comic book mythology. It’s a third-person game that will let you play as any of the Avengers either solo or online in original story mode.
Marvel’s Avengers is available on platforms like PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia. It is yet to arrive on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. If you’ve already played the game, you may have noticed that some missions are vanishing randomly on the War table world map.
Well, that’s strange! But let me tell you, you’re not alone here. Plenty of players are reporting the same issue with Marvel’s Avengers. If you’re one of those victims who is facing the same issue, you are on the right post.
Why are Marvel’s Avengers Missions are Vanishing?
You are playing as an Avenger now, it means you have the responsibility to complete missions. Anyways, you must know that the missions last up to a certain limit of time. You have to complete the mission in a fixed given time or else it will automatically vanish.
It’s already mentioned in the description of missions when you choose one. Therefore, you’ve to complete the mission before time runs out.
What if you failed the missions?
If you failed the mission at a particular given time, You have the option to restart the mission might be from the checkpoint. So, you complete the mission again without any hesitation. Additionally, multiple players have also reported that their purchased credits aren’t appearing properly.
What if Marvel’s Avengers Missions Still keeps Vanishing?
Eventually, there are some Avenger players out there reporting that missions still keep vanishing, even when the time limit has not expired. In this kinda situation, we recommend you restart the game. That will be the major thing to resolve all the issues.
As of now, there is no other possible way available that can easily fix such an issue. But it’s worth mentioning that the problem is related to the server-side or most probably related to the game bug. So, we’re expecting that Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix will come up with a patch fix soon.
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