PlayStation 5 looks a real next-generation console including its design, controllers, and in terms of performance. But one thing that is bothering its users, the error codes. There’re many error codes that pop up since the day console has released. This time we’re dealing with the error code CE-117722-0 which is a familiar error.
Despite providing a solution guide on the official PlayStation website, it’s not helpful to resolve such errors. The PS5 error code CE-117722-0 appears with the error message “An error has occurred on PlayStation Now streaming connection”. Here you can fix that issue.
Guide to Fix PS5 Error Code CE-117722-0
The PS5 Error Code CE-117722-0 is related to PlayStation Now streaming connection. Just follow the guide till the end to resolve the error.
- Check the internet connection through the test on PS Now. Make sure that the connection must be stable for streaming.
- Restart the console, also try to use a wired connection rather than wireless as it is more reliable.
- Check if there’s any hindrance by the walls or any other object with your network connection. try to keep the console near to router or modem
- Perform a Hard reset to the router/modem remove the power cords, and let the router/modem rest for 3-4 minutes press the power button for 10 seconds, connect the power cord and start the device normally.
- Also, update the router’s firmware to its latest version, use the manual guide of your router if needed.
- try to play other games, if its working fine then the issue might lie in the game itself, try to re-download the game.
That’s it for now. You can comment below for your further queries or your experiences. Till then stay tuned for more info. You can also follow us on Google News or Telegram group below for real-time notifications whenever Gadget Headline publishes any post.
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