Doom Eternal is the sequel of Doom (2016), and the fifth main game in the Doom series developed by id Software. The story revolves around Doom Slayer assigned on the mission to end Hell’s consumption of Earth and wipe out the alien Maykrs’ plan to exterminate humanity. We’ve managed to provide you a simple guide on Doom Eternal: How to Fix Can’t Start Ancient Gods DLC.
Some strapping players reported about unable to start gods DLC. However, this error or issue is not encountering only one platform but others too. Doom Eternal is available to play on PS4, Stadia, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and will available for the next-generation console. Here’s an instruction to eliminate the issue. Without further ado, let’s get started.
Doom Eternal: How to Fix Can’t Start Ancient Gods DLC
There were still some problems and bugs when the first of the DLC arrived for Doom Eternal. These bugs and problems were present on different platforms, and still, the issues were bothering a lot of players. Stick to the guide and follow the simple explanatory guide given below.
For Xbox One:
- There are not any official or concrete solutions available yet.
- Go to the option of games and applications
- Visit settings menu > administrator of add-ons
- Choose the game to reach DLC which consists of size 10.1 MB
- Proceed and download
- If the problem still occurs, then we can’t do anything but wait for solutions from Bethesda.
For PlayStation 4:
- Check whether the expansion can able to download.
- Visit PlayStation Store > Library and choose the game.
- Download the game, and if the issue still tends to exists, then, unfortunately, we’ve to wait for a solution by Bethesda.
For PC:
- There’s a problem downloading the game expansion.
- It’s recommended restarting Steam.
- If the issue still tends to exists then, we’ve to wait for solutions by Bethesda.
That’s it for now. You can comment below for your further queries or your experiences. Till then stay tuned for more info. You can also follow us on Google News or Telegram group below for real-time notifications whenever Gadget Headline publishes any post.
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